We officially put Enee away for the winter today. The yard has taken the mast off and she sure looks funny without her stick! This gave me a chance to rebed the mast plate. We get water in there during a hard rain. I took the plate off and cleaned up all the old goo and put in new goo...buytl tape, my favorite stuff. We'll see if this helps.
We also did our routine winterizing jobs: pump antifreeze through the engine, into holding tank and into fresh water tank. I leave the batteries on board. If they have a good charge they should be alright. Worked last winter. I may go up and throw another charge into them mid winter just to make sure. We threw a tarp over the main saloon area and over the companionway. This worked last year as well. Its much easier with no mast, boom nor main sheet to get in the way!
We ran into our friends Brian and Deborah (Northern Crown) and Chuck and Mary Beth (new cat 30!) Fun to see summer friends!
222 days to go before we head south...but who's counting?