We've been living in a bit of a time out lately. We were looking into buying a Pearson 365 that recently came on the market. Our offer was rejected so now we're back to going all out to re-fit Enee for the trip to the Keys. We need more water tankage and a new dodger plus a list of little things that should be taken care of before we leave in 296 days!
Last Sunday Scott, Sue and Larry D. sailed Dave's boat, Blitz, in the MORF race. Dave couldn't be there and he didn't want to get a penalty. Boy, having us sail the boat might be a small step above a penalty! First of all a line from one of the upper batten pockets tangled around the back stay preventing us from going off the wind or even lowering the sail! Luckily after much swearing and whipping the sail back and forth the line severed and we were ready to go. Maybe. Next, in an effort to correct the instruments we turned the power off and on again forgetting that the radio would automatically cycly back to channel 16 rather than 69 where the start info would be broadcast. We had to infer the start by noticing all the sterns on the other side of the line! We made up ground well on the first windward leg, though, and were actually the second boat around the mark. As a final insult and after much preparation we bravely hoisted the chute around the first mark except there was no chute connected to the halyard. Scott cleverly kept hauling anyway until the halyard was well above the spreaders. We did this downhill run on just main and genny. On the next downhill run we put the jib halyard on the chute and hoisted it just fine but the damage had been done. The fleet was gone!
See above for 'action shots' of Larry D. and Scott.