The dentist was able to clean up the crown and glue it back on. He checked my other teeth and recommened replacing a couple of filings (see?). Cost? 300 pesos which is a little under $10. I think I will get more work done here. He said in general dental work is about 40% what it is in the states. Makes me wonder if dental care in the states is expensive BECAUSE so many people have dental insurance.
We'll probably learn more about health care as we travel about. I think there is a false conception out there that quality health care only exists in the states but it may be more true that that is where the expensive quality health care lives but there is simple quality elsewhere.
I met and talked with Bruce Van Sant yesterday. He is the author of The Gentleman's Guide to Passages South which is THE bible for making your way to windward through the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. He lives in Luperon now after years and uncountable miles cruising these very waters. He gave me a pretty stern reprimand for coming in on the day we did but I'm still not sure what I did wrong. I'm giving him a proof copy of my book soon for him to review now that he is hopefully done hollering at me.
Later today we are going to take a gwagwa which is a local bus to the next little town where there lives a cash machine. We'll see.
You should see what other work you can get done. For exampple, a vasectomy. You can probably save money on anethesia by using El Presidente.
So you're trying to tell me you don't have any epoxy or 5200 onboard to glue that crown back on????
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