Hello Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea. Let's go to press...
Scott and Sue are still anchored off of Christmas Tree Island in Key West. At the left is a picture from our anchorage from Sunday when there was an informal sailboat race sponsored by Schooner Bar (over rated..$3.50 for a 6 ounce plastic cup of beer accompanied by some really bad music.).
This is actually not the greatest anchorage except it is so FREE and the sunsets are great! The wind has really not abated since we arrived a week ago and there is a bit of boat traffic right through the anchorage. Still...IT'S SO FREE! There is a strong reversing tidal current here and I did reset my second anchor yesterday. Now we have a very nice Bahamian mooring. Not that tough to do. I first layed our all chain anchor and set it well. Then I tied a yellow ribbon to the chain. Now we back off a distance equal to how much chain was already out. Drop the second hook and begin motoring back the way you came while I reel in the chain and pay out the rode on the second anchor. About half way back I snub the rode to set this anchor and then motor up the rest of the way again paying out rode and reeling in chain until I see the yellow ribbon! Now I can snug up both anchor lines/chain and feel a little more secure in that I have two anchors down and that I won't be spinning in a giant circle among the other boats.
We now have our first guest aboard since my daughter and husband visited us in Ft. Lauderdale. Sue's sister is staying aboard and enjoying a long weekend vacation from the frozen tundra of Joliet Illinois. We wish the anchorage was a little calmer for her (and us!) but we are all coping well.
Plans are afoot as to our next destination but nothing is decided yet. We will probably spend a month or so here in Key West. For one reason, its fun here and for another, Scott has found some work again! Something about removing a roof from a house but I'll know more next week. Sunset from Key West anchorage
I've made some progress understanding the SSB radio that we installed back in Ft. Lauderdale. I'm receiving pretty well and hearing boats calling various SSB nets from way down in the Caribbean. I'm not sure that I'm broadcasting all that well though but experiments are continuing. Any SSB experts out there drop me a line.
We now have our first guest aboard since my daughter and husband visited us in Ft. Lauderdale
Scott -
you dropped your modifier here. Your daughter and her husband. Not that I'm not flattered and all.
(and not that there's anything wrong with that)
Maybe there's not supposed to be a modifier. There could be more to this Key West thing than Scott is letting on.
It gets mighty lonely at sea...
The radio is easy. Just remember to say Roger after everyting:) Sailed accross the Pacific a few years back and it always amused me..."roger..roger that....roger roger."
this is for all on the ankorage my name is john I allso lived off of christmas tree (wisteriea)and had to move to atlanta to care for my grandfather but wish to return. I need cowboy george or pascale's # to call them and see if I can rent from them. email me at thesnakeman84@yahoo.com
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