Saturday, October 08, 2005

Still in Baltimore!

To all our faithful readers (I know you're out there) we are in a holding pattern on the "big trip" while we do two things. 1. We are seriously negotiating for the purchase of the next boat. Could be the Endeavour 40 that we have now looked at twice and on which we have tendered an offer. 2. We are currently back in Chicago to watch daughter and husband run the Chicago Marthon. We'll see what happens when we return to Baltimore on Monday. We'll either get back on Enee and continue south or complete the deal and stay in Baltimore/Annapolis while the survey and sea trials are accomplished on the Endeavour. From there somebody (me or the yard) will have to do some scraping and paint the bottom. Brightwork needs cleaning and re-finishing and there are a couple of leaky ports that need taking care of. It's all very exciting and scary at the same time. Enee is not a perfect boat but we are aware and comfortable with her quirks, groans, and squeaks. The Endeavour is the unknown but that's what surveys are for. We'll see...


Anonymous said...

Wish you the best of luck with The Endevour. She looks like the one they used down here in Miami Vice.

Anonymous said...

What is a marthon? Are you referring to a marathon?